"Longview's Finest Philosophers"
Serving the East Texas region with rants, musing, and heavy criticism since 1999
Saturday, May 08, 2004
FOXNews.com - Top Stories - 'Sasser' Suspect Confesses in Germany

Our computers were torn up by a 14-year-old German kid. I now feel about two inches tall and three donkeys smart. Feh.

Thursday, April 01, 2004
I'll be leaving Longview -- permanently leaving -- on Tuesday, April 6. In other words, this will be my last weekend in Longview. At that point, I'll likely set up another LFP writer with administrator access for the site.

Also, someone tell Mike he has access to the blog. I haven't seen him in a while.

Thursday, March 18, 2004
LFP Alert:

Norm's traffic warrants have caught up with him. Seems he'll be headed to jail:

He posted the details over at his site earlier.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Here's the problem with religious fundamentalists in America and wanting the government to "ban" homosexuals from marriage: If the government can choose who you can (and cannot) marry, they can choose quite a few other things as well.

Marriage, friends, is a cultural issue. For some, even a religious issue. Last time I checked, the only thing the United States was obligated to handle was the economy, domestic tranquility, and the protection of its citizens' lives. Can anyone, anyone at all, tell me what two members of the same gender at a wedding altar has to do with my taxes or general safety? From what I can tell, the answer is little-to-nothing by logical definition. Granted, the government has itself created a relationship between marriage and taxes, but that is their mistake and so it shall be theirs to clean up when homosexuals are finally granted their equal rights.

So then marriage, whether it be between same or opposing genders, seems an odd thing for the government to be regulating. They are in fact making cultural judgements, and backing them up with law to boot! Here is the slippery slope -- if the government regulates this, what else can they regulate? Our generation saw the downfall of long-standing sodomy laws, laws that made a certain sexual act illegal between to consenting adults in the privacy of their own home. Those rules may be gone now, but that was "THE LAW" for over 150 years. What if the government took another comparable stand, such as a ban on oral sex or the refusal of marriage rights to persons of different races? It sounds silly, I know, but such bans would work on the same principles being used against homosexual marriage this very moment.

To the Christians, who would "vote against homosexuality" in the name of their God: Are you even Americans? Do you not appreciate the rights for which your ancestors fled England, the very rights which enable you to practice your faith? It is quite ironic, and blatently hypocritical -- you don't want the government touching any element of your religion, but you do want it deciding who someone can marry and/or sleep with.

The religious must realize that the American government cannot enforce their morality and still be the government outlined in the Constitution.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

I was asked by the frequent LFP posters to intervene in what's recently developed here. I've reviewed what's happened, what's been said, and would like all parties to remember that in situations such as this, I do not take sides. Beyond that, I know nothing about what caused this dispute, nor do I care to be involved in the conflict that "it" has caused. What I will say, explain, and have done is simply my role as this site's administrator.

LFP was never intended to be a forum for interpersonal conflict. Ever. It was a gift I created in hopes that many of my close friends could come to better appreciate both their ideas and the channel of internet writing. I simply maintain the site -- I'm sure you've noticed that I seldom post unless a topic appears that I feel very strongly about. There are other authors, however, who have made very strong attempts at providing a focus for writing here. Kenneth and Luis, for example, have tossed out many ideas in hopes that it might bring response.

For now, Tracy and Misty will be given a break from writing on the site. You both know that this isn't personal. I love both of you very much, but as administrator here it's my obligation to keep the site purpose intact. I have also removed all post content related to this fight. I would encourage you two to settle this one-on-one, and hope that you do, but a public internet forum is not the place for such resolve.

That's all I really have to say. Best wishes with all, and I hope this site can move past personal dispute and accusation.

Saturday, January 24, 2004
I know this might be wrong to write this on the blog, in front of everyone, but I need to clear my name. Some things have happened between me and Tracey, and I feel most of everyone in the group has "picked a side" And that is WRONG! And to the other half of you who doesn't know what the hell is going on, well, keep it that way. I am about to move, which everyone knows, and I hate that this has happened right before I leave. Everyone has been a wonderful friend to me, and I am so thankful for that. But, for the others, u remind me why I usually don't have friends. I was their for Everyone! And look what I have gotten in return! No one will hardly talk to me anymore, and why? I don't know! I want to let everyone know that I'm innocent! No one needs to blame anyone.
But I have started college down there, and I have a wonderful life ahead of me. I wish everyone the BEST OF LUCK with your lives, and I hope you will never forget me, because I will never forget any of you. Thanks for the best year of my life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004


Friday, January 09, 2004



(incidentally, I head back for Longview in 19 hours)

Thursday, January 08, 2004
Hey Sam!
So I here you are comming home Sunday. I'm so glad to hear that. I've missed you. Veronica and I were talking about you needing someone to pick you up from DFW. So we thought that we can use my car and the two of us come get you. I have room for one more that would like to come. So let me know if thats what you want us to do. I don't mind. ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, January 07, 2004
This post is to explain my last post that I think was badly misunderstood. Yes I believe in self gratification, but I really was shooting for the idea that I think we can all have more than one soul mate. While we are all on the quest to find our one soul mate why can't we be each others soul mates. Though I'm sure that a few of us are happy with going home to ourselves for a night of alone time. I hear that it is perfectly healthy but when more than getting off is in order we have each other. We can be there for one another when we need moral support or just someone to talk to. What is the difference in a girl having a guy friend (no sex) and a girl having a boyfriend (no sex). Same with a guy. I would much rather have a really good friend than a relationship right now. Why date? I'm not ready to settle down. So why get into something that isn't going to go anywhere? Are we looking for love or friends with benefits? What is the difference between the two?

I read Misty's post a few days ago and I couldn't think of what to say. I think that from what guys have told me that it is all about the chase. I was told that a guy doesn't want what is right in front of him. He wants what he can't have. And yes a girl may have everything going for her and a guy just walk away but that's what its all about. You have to get to know one another to find out if the whole thing will work out or not. With guys it could be anything that turns them away. The fact that you gave up the chase too fast or a freckle on your back that reminds him of his ex. It can be anything. Think about it, girls are the same way. It's human nature.

Ken I think you may have stumbled onto something. Sex with yourself! I think that if more people knew about "toys" there wouldn't be so many STD's. Think about it one vibrator used every other night or a different guy every other night. They have things for guys too. Even if a girl is with the same guy, where is he the nights they aren't together? Every time you have sex with someone you are having sex with everyone they have had sex with and so on. Scary thought! Well really I would like some feed back on this. It may be a little off the wall but it's true. Think about it and hit me back. I want to know what everyone thinks.

Well I'm out........See you guys tonight. I've got to get out of this house.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Hey Guys!

The last few days have been really shitty! I've got the Flu and Strep. I spent all day Monday at the hospital. I hate those places. Well anyways I started missing everyone and so I called a few people to see what was up. Norm told me that everyone was great and that all of you were going up to fast Freddy's. I wish I could be there with you guys. UHHHHH! Well I just want to get to the point of this post.

It was brought to my attention that some people were not happy with some of the things that I have done and said. For this I am truly sorry. I know that I have been really hard on a few people in the group. I've done this out of fear and no compation. Let me explain........ Fear! I fear for those that are going down a road traveled by many and those I've seen have hurt themselves and everyone around them. I don't want to see our group torn apart by all of this. Nor do I want anyone to get hurt. I feel that in an effort to fix this I've made it worse. I made a promise to a very good friend that I would help those going down that road. This time I will help by being there to listen and help in any way I can. I will not push anyone away that needs a FRIEND. I just hope that it is not too late to extend my hand to them. I have had no compation for those going down that road because I have forgot what it is like to be in their shoes. It is hard to be in our shoes. Everyone deals with things in our own way. I dealt with all of this along time ago. Bad relationships, new schools, new friends, and a new life. All of us need to remember how we dealt with things and what people thought about us. Not everyone agreed with the way we handled our problems. So I have opened my mind and heart to those that just need a friend and locked away my tough love out look and I hope that all of us can do the same and just be there for one another. We all talk about finding our soul mates and finding love. What about us? Can't we all be our own soul mates. We are a great group of people. A great group of friends. Why can't we all just be there for each other as soul mates. Friends can be forever too. Just think if and when, we find our lover soul mate there will just be more friends in the group. So I will close this post with a thought.

To all of you:
I am a very lucky person to have found great friends like ya'll that I can call my soul mates.

Good night and I will see you guys tomorrow(I'm getting cabin fever)
Wait let me take those kisses back, that's how I got strep in the first place! LOL
Oh and can someone help me come up with another name. I don't want to be known as the Beer Queen anymore. Its not me.

Sunday, January 04, 2004
Hoss, I have to disagree with you on that one. Soul mates aren't just "friends with benefits," soul mates have an inner connection, something that only you have with this one person. And I highly believe that if you get married, stay married! If you love someone enough, you should be willing to work out any problems. And as Amy said, what happened to the old days? They never even knew the word Divorce. People just think now that its an easy way to get out of the situation. But its 2004, and I highly doubt things will change anytime soon........
I just sometimes wish that guys weren't as cruel to women as they are. Maybe its just me, but I haven't met a nice, good guy in a long time, and starting to give up hope.
Any More advice?

Saturday, January 03, 2004
Hey guys what's supppp!
Half of LFP is over at my house getting throwed! And Norm just informed me, that from now on, I'm too be called "Birdie," because of the confusion from the other Misty at books. I'm having a great time! I love hanging out with these people! I'm so going to miss everyone when I move to Galveston! But hey, outside my bedroom there is a HOT TUB! Hell yeah! There will be a lot of memories made their!! Haha....
But the only problem is, I won't know anyone down their and that is going to suck! So, every weekend I will probably be driving up here to see everyone!

So, about the post awhile back, about nothing really been said on this post, well I got a topic for all of ya'll....."GUYS"
Yes that's right, guys. I want to know what guys think, and how they feel about LOVE. I know its on everyone's mind, and that everybody wants that "perfect person" But recently, I talked to a few guys, and asked them what exactly they thought. Their answer.......uhh..... And that's all I got. So I'm interested to see what u think. What does a guy look for in a girl? What makes a guy turn down a girl that has all the potential in the world? Why would they turn down someone who that is going somewhere, that has money, that is cute? What's the deal on this?

Oh, Hey sam...I MISS YOU!!!!!

Friday, January 02, 2004
By the way.

The new classifications in the sidebar are mostly there to give the site some more character, as well as provide a vague snapshot of each LFP author. Don't take them too seriously.

Oh, I had to guess on a few ages. If I got any of your info wrong, please correct me in this post's commenting system.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Greetings from Australia to all Longview's Finest Philosophers. As I check this site's progress, I've noticed an encouraging new trend of "themes" that flow from an initial point. Don't let me cut off any trains of though, but I encourage you to consider (and possibly write on) this idea.

We humans, the homo sapien, speak in our languages of an idea called "purpose." To be general, the what in what we are supposed to be doing. I've often wondered at what point this notion crept into human thought, considering its overwhelming prevalence in the motivations of near everyone around us. But tell me this, good philosophers:

Can you see where the idea of "purpose" crept into human conscience?
Do you see purpose for yourself?
If not, do you wish for one?
If so, where do you draw the reasoning for your purpose from?
And finally, what is this purpose that you see/claim?

Monday, December 29, 2003
Hey Guys! Well this weekend went great. I just wish Josh and Christina could have been with us. It just wasn't the same. I miss you guys! Talk to you soon.

Well see everyone at Books. I'll be up there tonight. Later!

Thursday, December 25, 2003
YOU NEVER KNOW............
Merry CHRISTmas! Today I woke up to the smells of my mom in the kitchen cooking and my dad dropping things in the kitchen trying to help. I sat on the side of my bed and said a thank you prayer to GOD because I have my mom for one more CHRISTmas. See five years ago this last October my mom was told she had a incurable blood condition that had made her have strokes and that she would always have them. The doctor put her on meds and said "we hope this works". Well it has helped but back in April she had a pretty bad stoke. About a month ago she had one in her kidneys and the doctor told us that her kneeing were failing and there is nothing they can do. My mom was going to die. They said that she would be lucky to live through Christmas. My mom came home and as a family sat together and prayed. Two weeks ago I took her back to the doctor for the follow up and the doctor ran a few more tests to see what we were going to do to prolong my moms life and the doctor walked in the room and said that her kidneys were working fully. He ran more tests and those tests proved the same. The most unexplained part of this is ME. Every doctor that my mom has been to has questioned my mother about me. See no one with my mom's condition has EVER carried a child full term. They always loose the child in about the first two months. I was two weeks late. My mom almost lost me in her second month, her fifth month, her eighth month, and she and I almost died when I was born. Each time my mother prayed to God to keep me. The doctors can't explain it. None of the 10 or so doctors she's seen can. The list goes on and on.

None of you know this stuff about me because I don't want people to treat or talk to me any differently. And I come to you guys to get away from it all. I don't sit up at Books and preach at the top of my lungs about my faith but it is with me at all times. My mother and I are here because of faith. That is a medical fact. See I was always told that you don't talk religion or politics with friends or family. I know now why. It can change the way you feel about a person. I have to say that I totally agree with Norm on this one. Some things can't be explained but in my heart I know that it is God that I have to thank for all that I have and will ever have. To those of you that do not believe I am truly sorry for that loss in you life. And how do you really know there is no God? What proof do you have that he is not real? What is real anyways? What does it hurt to believe? I would rather go through life with that comfort of God always being there than a life of darkness and the fear of what if.

Each day is a blessing and a gift from God. Each and every thing that I am blessed with, I have God to thank for. I will always live each day with that comfort. I believe that with God all things are possible. For all of the non-believers I will pray that when you stand before God that you will know him as I have. May God bless you all and I hope you and yours have/had a blessed CHRISTmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Hey guys!
I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

I was reading the site's recent path from over here, and when I saw the notion of dedicated subjects of debate come up, I was quite pleasantly surprised. As many of you know, I've taken a very laissez-faire approach to LFP as the site admin. I think Ken's hit some gold here.

Religion? Eegads, Australia or no, I can't pass up the chance to contribute here.

Monday, December 22, 2003
I appreciate American 2nd Amendment gun rights more than ever before. Australian gun laws are fun, kiddies!

Though I can't help but wonder how, in ONE plane trip, I managed to be "randomly" searched SIX times through the entire course. Shem clearly looks like he's smuggling firearms or pure, uncut cocaine.

Must be the tattoos.

I'm glad to see Misty finally got registered to write here, and look forward to seeing her write more. Anyhow, best wishes from "Down Under," guys. See y'all in January.

Sunday, December 21, 2003
Hey Guys! How was everyone's Sunday? Mine was great. I slept till 3:30. Man I needed that. I feel like a million bucks. So I take it from last night that everyone is all partied out. Well anyways it was great to have everyone over to just hang. I say that we get together at my house this weekend and have a Christmas party. We can all bring stuff to eat and "drink" and a few movies. YES I said movies. Its been awhile. Or whatever! We came come up with something before then. Just a thought! Hey its Christmas EVERYone is welcome. Can we all put down the bull shit and spend time together. I know that there are some of us out there that don't get along but I would like to see everyone there. Can we all put our differences behind us for one night and all come together and spend Christmas together? (Tracy takes a step down off her soap box with a content look on her face) We can all figure it out later. Well I guess I'll go. I'm going to get ready and head to Books to see Josh's new tat. Later!

Oh and if anyone knows where I can get a new job please let me know.

Sam! I miss you. I hope you have a great Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2003
Hey guys! Haven't seen anyone lately,wanted to say what's up! Its been a good week for me so far, until I was driving home from longview tonight, and as I was coming up on my exit, there had been a wreck. Usually, they aren't too bad around here. And so as I drove by the wreck, There was a diesel truck and a small vehicle involved. Apparently, the truck had jack-knifed and was carrying 2 or 3 pieces of heavy machinery, which one had landed on top of the other vehicle. Needless to say, you couldn't even tell what kind of car it was. God rest their souls, all passengers in the car died. So, if you pray, think about those innocent people. Hopefully, this weekend won't be depressing!

Saturday, December 13, 2003
We're all at Misty's house, and every member of LFP is completely smashed right now. Other than myself. Talk about amusing.

Thursday, December 11, 2003
Hey it is I, Tracy! What is up you guys? I hope to see you all this weekend. I miss ya'll. Sorry that I haven't been out in awhile but I've had some stuff that has come up and I needed to be home. Oh well! So what is up this weekend? I know about Zahn's tomorrow, but what about Saturday? I say we all do something. OH and WHERE IS SAM? I miss you Sam. You better say Bye before you go. Well I'm spent. So here's to a bottle of Jack, great friends, and a weekend where anything could happen. Love you guys. See ya'll tomorrow!

P.S. Good luck to all that have finals, and congrats to those that passed.

Sunday, December 07, 2003
No shit. Me too. Between 6:30 and 7:20 PM I was there.

You know guys, it's kind of hard to say goodbye to everyone when I only have 7 days left before I leave if no one is there when I drop by the patio!

BTW, this was my second attempt to find people up there this week.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003
I have my plane tickets

Right here in my hand. That is all, thank you.

Shem leaves for Australia in 12 days.

Friday, November 21, 2003
so I turn 20 tomorrow

Yeah. The suffix "-teen" can kiss my ass.

Give me money ^_^

Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Hey guys, here is my first post. I wanted to post "something" on here... then I sat down and tried to come up with something earth shattering and or maybe even side splitting... no luck so far. I thought of all the subjects that I could cover and gave up on all of those.. then I decided that I could go with funny BUT I found out that I do better when it's just off the hip... you know.. a spur of the moment thing. So, I was left with this.. a really long explaination of why I couldn't write something to inspire all of you.. or at least give you a good laugh. Maybe I'll say something or do something at Books and inspire one of you so you can post it here. I gave a moments thought to covering current events at Books, but felt like there was enough "coverage" going on in that area. Boo on that. So here's to a good night, pleasant dreams and I shall see ya'll later, and Jason, just to let you know.....I'm off to save the world one smile at a time. c(o;

Monday, November 03, 2003
The 2004 Presidential election was mentioned a while ago. If Ron Paul is running I will be voting for him and I encourage everyone else to as well.


This short documentary tells the tale of how the world will end. It demands your attention!

(1) It's a fairly long-time loading page. Yes, it will take a LONG TIME to load. Don't worry, the wait is COMPLETELY worth it.
(2) It has sound. You MUST have sound for this short film.

Again, the url (for copy-paste purposes) is:


Thursday, October 30, 2003
Welcome, Tracy and Kevin, to the site. I'll let them do their own introductions in their first posts.

(No one else post a welcome, lol, just do it in the commenting system)

As site admin, I hereby declare Norm's use of the phrase


pointless, and thus banned from use on this site. All past instances of it will be deleted, and it should not be used in the future. Thank you.

Ladies and gents, I'm an insomniac. I'm dead tired now, but not a wink sleepy. This is Hell.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003
I've been faced with some challenging issues again, and no it's not being called to have another look at the whole Paedo vs. Credo baptsim issue. I guess it started with having to read this obnoxious article for 1212 about the stages of faith which I basically completely disagreed with. Then we had to read the argument Loder made against it which I quite enjoyed. We then started discussing Fowler's views in Examined Life as well as Loder's response and Loder's own faith theory. I guess I liked Loder's theory because it resembled my own expieriance where as I couldn't relate to Fowler at all. This still wasn't what challenged me though, as much as my BIC teachers would like to think it did. The challenge was when Dr. Swanson asked, "Why study these faith theories?" We all had our own guesses as to why we were studying these, but none of the answers were really satisfying. The question still remained...Why? Why study faith theories? Why study Sociology? Why study Religion? Why go to Baylor? More importantly, why is it that I am here at Baylor studying faith theories of all things while there are people all over the world who will never have the opportunity to go to college? On the front page of the New York Times today there is an article about a 19 year old boy who was starved to near death by his adopted family. At 19 he only weighed 50 pounds, and his adopted parents were doing the same thing to 3 of his other adopted brothers while feeding their biological children. Why? To make matters worse, the family was heavily involved in their local church and seen as "loving." This clearly isn't love. One of the other boys, age 9, was no bigger than a 5 year old. The pastor of church made a comment about how much he liked to pray. Why is it that in all my privilage I take prayer for granted? Why? Lauren mentioned that this story about children starving in New Jersey made the front page of the New York Times, but there are so many millions suffering in Africa who die from the same thing or from AIDS or from one of the many civil wars that takes place on that contenent. Why is this rarely reported on in the newspaper? In Rhetoric we're reading Fredrick Douglas, and when you read about the things some of the slaves went through the question of "Why?" once again arises. The people then were so indoctrinated to treat people like animals and to think nothing of it. It makes me think of how if I were living then, I would have probably done the same. Why? It makes me think of a study done by this dude named Milgram that we learned about in Sociology. When one looks at these things, it is so easy to see how fallen, sick, and wicked humans are. We are by nature "children of wrath." My eyes have been opened to all the crap in the world since coming to college, mostly from being forced to read the newspaper everyday. I suppose I am no longer as nieve as I once was. However, being at Baylor has also shown me the degree to how trivialised our lives really are. We study faith theories as people suffer. Why? Why? Why? We have a whole class devoted entirely to studying ourselves. If the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, then how do I do that in a class that is all about me, my personality type, my faith theories? It is so freakin' frustraiting sometimes, to know that God is good and all things will work together for those who love Him, and see the suffering through green and gold colored glasses detached from suffering first hand. Clearly the good is not found here on earth, but in eternity. The biblical "faith theory" or Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is being sure of what you hope for, and certain of things unseen." Obviously bad things happen to Christians, but hope must be found in what is not seen rather than in the externals of the world around me. This hymn comes to mind:

The Solid Rock
Edward Mote

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholy lean on Jesus' name.

On Christ, the solid Rock I stand--
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound,
O may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

God is so gracious to me. He gives me more than I need for my everyday needs and hymns such as this one to comfort me when I realize the overwhelming darkness of the wilderness around me. This is not my home, and true faith comes in the hope that their is more in Christ. The question of why is a humbling one when I realize how blessed I really am.

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